Bear Creek Lake Park, Lakewood, CO
Sat, Oct 25, 2025

The original Bear Creek Lake Park trail race - the one with the best courses, and the best prices.

5km. 15km. 5+15 Double. Kids 1km.

2024 Results

Pics coming.

Courses: 5k, 15k, Kids 1k

Almost all dirt courses, single and double track, on a mix of short, steep hills, rollers, and not quite flat terrain. A great introduction to real trail racing for the trail curious, with just enough of a challenge to keep veterans on their toes.

All courses will be well marked with a Won't-Get-Lost guarantee.

5+15 Double means running the 5km race, taking a short break, then running the 15km race.

Detailed description below.

Race day schedule

7:00 - Park gates open.
7:30 - Packet pick up and race day registration begins.
8:20 - 5km & Double reg ends.
8:30 - 5km race starts.
9:15* - Pancakes, ongoing
9:15* - 15km reg ends.
9:15* - Kids 1km starts.
9:30* - 15km race starts
9:45* - 5k awards
11:15ish* - 15k & Double awards

*Times are approximate, based on the status of prior races. If there are no kids, the 15k pickup will end and race will start early.


Volunteers are needed for registration and pickup, parking, finish line, and aid stations. Volunteers can race for free (limited to need).

Directions and Parking

Bear Creek Lake Park is located at 15600 W. Morrison Rd, just E of the town of Morrison, Red Rocks Ampitheatre, and the Bandimere Speedway. Take hwy C470 to the Morrison exit. Go E 1/3 mi to the park entrance. Turn R into the park.

The races start/finish at Coyote Crossing. Proceed past the toll booth (tell them you're with the race so you don't have to pay), Go left at the Y after the toll booth. Head E ~1.3 mi. Take the first left up a steep hill.

Please carpool to reduce your environmental impact.

Beware the Bear runners down steep hill
Purple Bear
Horse Print Speedo
Three runners on a trail. Lead runner waving.


Link to Map
~300' of climbing

No cut-off, but anyone not finished before subsequent races start may be held for a minute or two, ~1/3mi before the finish.

Opening loop: Start just outside the NE corner of the parking lot. Head W, past the finish line and shelter, then go slightly left onto the single track. Follow the single track around the S & W side of the meadow. At the W side, there's a trail to the left. DON'T TAKE IT (the 15k will). Continue straight, N, up the hill, then right at the top. The first time through, continue straight, E, past the footbridge. The trail will curve right and downhill. In another ~150m, take the first right, onto a narrow single track. This will take you back to the start. Go right to start the bigger loop.

5k loop: Repeat the first part of the opening loop to the bridge. This time go left across the bridge then right on the other side.

Follow the double track path N along the canal and out towards Morrison Road. Go right on the trail alongside Morrison Rd, across the culvert.

On the other side of the culvert, go right, downhill, back into the park. Continue down the trail along the W side of an open meadow. Take the first left at the NW corner of the bottom of the bluff.

Climb the steep hill, 15%. Stay left as the trail starts to flatten out. There's a short drop, then a fairly flat stretch along the N side of the bluff. The trail veers right and drops into a small canyon. It curves right at the bottom of canyon to a fast and gradual downhill double track. Take a sharp right at the next trail junction. This trail climbs ~7% for ¼mi. It flattens out below the top of the bluff. There, at the 3-way junction, take a left and head downhill. Stay straight through the first trail junction.

For 2024, continue down to the access road to the shelter. Go right up the road, then a quick right back onto trails. Continue climbing up the trail. Take the first left. From there, it's a straight shot past the start, then just a little more to the finish by the the pavilion.


It will not be individually timed or scored. They will follow the opening loop of the 5k, ~1km. Parents are encouraged to accompany their kids on the run.


Link to Map
~800' of climbing

Aid Station by the finish between laps, approx 4.75mi.

Cut-off: 1:15 (that's 1 hr 15 min from the start, not 1:15pm) at the end of the first big loop, approx 4.70mi, ~16:00/mi pace.

Opening loop: Start on the dirt road, ~0.1mi E of the parking lot. Head W. Turn right just before the lot, then left around the N side. Continue W, past the finish line. Just after the far side of the shelter, go slightly left onto the single track. Follow the single track around the S & W side of the meadow. At the W side, there's a trail to the left. Take a sharp left down the short, steep, rocky trail. At the bottom, take a sharp right up the hill. This climbs at ~7%. At the top, follow the trail to the right. Continue straight, E. The first time through, continue straight, past the footbridge. The trail will curve right and downhill. Continue straight past the first right. Take a sharp right at the next junction. Continue W, past the finish, to start the bigger loop.

After the opening loop, do 2x the big loop.

Big loop, ~4.15mi: Repeat the first part of the opening loop to the bridge. This time go left across the bridge, then left on the other side. Follow the double track service road as it rolls to the W. It dips in the middle, then continues W out towards Morrison Rd. Go through the gate, then take a sharp right onto a single track.

Follow this flattish trail back to the E alongside Morrison Rd. The trail splits as you come to the W side of the bluff. Veer right at the fork, and follow the fence line to the top of the bluff. The climb starts moderately, nearly levels off, then 10%+ to the top. The trail turns right at the top, through the fence line. It descends 15%+ steep and rocky at first, gradually flattening out. At the end of the single track, go left onto the wide, dirt path (merging with the 5km course).

Follow the double track path along the canal N and out towards Morrison Road. Go right on the trail alongside Morrison Rd, across the culvert. On the other side of the culvert, (no aid station for 2020), go right, downhill, back into the park. Continue down the trail along the W side of an open meadow. Take the first left at the NW corner of the bottom of the bluff.

Climb the steep hill, 15%. Stay left as the trail starts to flatten out. There's a short, steep drop, then a fairly flat stretch along the N side of the bluff. The trail veers right and drops steeply into a small canyon. It curves right at the bottom of canyon to a fast and gradual downhill double track.

Take a sharp right at the next trail junction. This trail climbs ~7% for ¼mi. It flattens out below the top of the bluff. At the 3-way junction, take a left and head downhill. Stay straight through the first trail junction.

For 2024, continue down to the access road to the shelter. Go right up the road, then a quick right back onto trails. Continue climbing up the trail. Take the first left. From there, it's a straight shot to the pavilion.

Do the big loop twice. After the second loop, be sure to go into the chute to finish.